I’m Soren (he/him & they/them), and I’m a singer, songwriter and composer, voice educator, and community music leader located in Boston, MA.

I’ve served as the Music Director at First Parish in Malden, a Unitarian Universalist congregation, since 2019. I collaborate in worship planning, lead music during services, direct the choir and music program, and oversee elements of our A/V and hybrid worship systems. Learn more about what we’re doing at the FP Malden website.

I’ve taught singing voice lessons since 2017, and have also taught beginning piano and gender-affirming speaking voice. My research and teaching interests have included soprano whistle register/treble range extension and somatosensory feedback/the sensations we feel when we sing. In 2020, I began a multi-year deep dive into transmasculine voice pedagogy, including both quantitative research (for which I won the Best Poster Award at the NATS National Conference 2020) and the development of best practices in the studio in my teaching position at trans voice hub The Voice Lab, Inc. (Chicago/online), navigated my own voice change process on HRT, and worked with dozens of other singers doing the same. I’ve always maintained a gender-diverse studio with many voice types, including cis and trans people of various genders, and I practice a student-centered model in which artistic and technical goals are co-discovered and created in the studio over time - not prescribed by pre-determined expectations of a singer’s genre, gender, or abilities.